Thursday, May 29, 2008

Chicago Daily Observer: Northwest Side Aldermen Show Distance from Daley

Independent souls in City Council? Russ Stewart, CDO, thinks so. We may have our doubts, but his article also has some good info on aldermanic voting records:

As detailed in a study I have made of aldermanic voting, at least ten of the northwest side’s 12 aldermen were not total toadies during 2007–08. The two who rose to toady status, backing Daley on every key issue, were Dick Mell (33rd) and Arial Reboyras (30th). Five others – Bill Banks (36th), Tom Allen (38th), Marge Laurino (39th), Pat O’Connor (40th) and Pat Levar (45th)—fall into the semi-toady category, opposing only on the 2008 property tax increase of $83.4 million, but backing the mayor on other issues, including the $5.9 billion city budget, and fee and tax hikes.
The most contrary of the aldermen were the 41st Ward’s Brian Doherty, the council’s only Republican, who opposed the budget and all tax hikes, Rey Colon (35th) and Bernie (who wants his name to be spelled Berny) Stone (50th), who bucked the budget and two tax hikes. Gene Schulter (47th) opposed the budget and property tax hike. And “independent” Scott Waguespack (32nd), who beat a pro-Daley incumbent in 2007, backed the mayor on two tax hikes and the budget, but not on revising the public art program.
There's more, including Stewart's predictions.

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