Monday, July 06, 2009

Palin Attorney Warns Media: Defame My Client, Answer in Court

As we all know, the attacks on Palin and her family have been extraordinarily vicious, and apparently, they've had enough. NewsBusters:

"It appears the Palins are tired of being defamed by media, for the day after the Alaska governor announced her intention to step down from her post later in the month, her attorney issued a written warning:
This is to provide notice...those who republish the defamation, such as Huffington Post, MSNBC, The New York Times and The Washington Post, that the Palins will not allow them to propagate defamatory material without answering to this in a court of law."
[. . .]
“Just as power abhors a vacuum, modern journalism apparently abhors any type of due diligence and fact checking before scurrilous allegations are repeated as fact,” the Anchorage attorney wrote. (More . . .)
As you probably remember, the blatant sexism and attacks on her family were defended as part of the "vetting process" during the campaign, even as Obama's record was ignored. (Even Joe the Plumber's personal affairs got more scrutiny than Obama's.) Strangely, the attacks have continued unabated since the election.

Now, for some reason, I doubt that the old media will report on this warning from Palin's lawyer, and I'll be floored if they report that they have been sued for defamation if they fail to heed the warning. If you spot anything, let us know.


Maggie Thornton said...

I'm ready for Palin to bring it on, and most importantly, campaign for true conservative members running for Congress. I have visions of her working in Florida to give Marco Rubio a helping hand in defeating Charlie Crist. Of course, that's just my dream. I have no idea if this on her radar. If she could do it, that will send a strong message to the GOP recruiting team who thinks we need that "big tent" with Colin Powell under it.

How ya been chi-town bungalow?

Pat said...

Hi Maggie! Great to hear from you!
I hope your dream comes to pass - I think Illinois may be beyond help, but I sure would vicariously enjoy that scenario! I'm very curious to see what she will do. The attacks will continue, I'm sure, but this may free her to answer in a different way. We'll see.

We're doing okay, for the most part. Going through what most workin' stiffs are going through right now, but blessed nonetheless. How's by you?

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